The Presence Audit with More In Store

Discover Hidden Gold and Eliminate Brand Liabilities with a More In Store Presence Audit

Presentation Board

A Presence Audit gives you an accurate picture of your marketing presence and provides practical recommendations for improving marketing programs.

The Presence Audit considers both traditional marketing and online marketing efforts and consists of:

  • Key team member interview.
  • Customer listening.
  • A mystery shop or location review (if applicable).
  • An orderly sequence of diagnostic steps to consider the major factors affecting marketing performance: competitive landscape, current market position, customer perceptions, positioning, objectives, strategy, pricing, distribution, online promotional efforts (including website and social presence), offline or traditional promotional efforts, online reputation review, and market intelligence.
  • A thorough recommendation presentation and summary report.

The process is designed to be broad in nature and requires a nominal amount of your time while yielding maximum advisory value.

The Presence Audit is conducted and delivered in 10 business days and sets the groundwork for optimizing your future marketing program. For more information or to book your assessment email me!