HubSpot_BadgeHow to Get MORE from HubSpot

Maybe you’ve heard about the significant results others are getting with HubSpot and want a piece of that for yourself.

Maybe you already use HubSpot, but don't have time to make the most of it.

Either way, I can help.

Why I  ♥  HubSpot

Keeping up with all the pieces of an inbound campaign (blogs, social media content, your website, newsletters, emails, follow-ups, analytics) can be overwhelming. It’s easy for something to fall through the cracks.

That’s why I love using HubSpot for my clients.

HubSpot is an integrated marketing tool that manages every aspect of your inbound campaign from start to finish and provides detailed, real-time results.

39% of marketers say proving the ROI of their marketing activities is their top marketing challenge. (HubSpot, 2018)

MORE leads for your sales team

If you have a sales team, this is your match made in heaven. HubSpot alerts you to leads immediately, so sales can follow up right away.

Using social selling tools can increase win rates and deal size by 5% and 35%, respectively. (HubSpot, 2018)

MORE marketing

HubSpot is not about marketing when you have time. It’s about marketing all the time, and especially when your customers are looking for you.

Content marketing gets three times more leads than paid search advertising. (Content Marketing Institute, 2017)

I have already helped several Nova Scotia-based businesses realize significant business growth thanks to HubSpot, including several startups. (Learn more about HubSpot for startups here!)

I can help you get MORE from HubSpot by…

  • training you to use it. I became Atlantic Canada’s first Hubspot Partner in 2012, and every year since then I have upgraded my own skills by attending training conferences given directly by Hubspot. If you already have Hubspot, or are thinking of getting it, I can be your personal trainer for how to use this powerful software.
  • being your Hubspot agency. Don’t have time or resources to manage your marketing? Want someone to take care of it all for you? For one affordable, monthly retainer that’s based on your goals, I can put Hubspot to work for you.
42% of companies have hired a designated content strategist executive. (Curata, 2016)


More in Store MarketingWant to learn MORE about Hubspot

Let’s grab a coffee and talk about how Hubspot can help you grow your business.  The consultation is free, and the coffee’s on me.

Want to start small? Get a Free Inbound Marketing Assessment.

No obligation. No risk. No credit card required. Learn more here. 

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