Marketing Moxie Blog

    Melanie Tajaard

    Recent Posts

    Are you struggling to get your email marketing campaigns noticed in a sea of inbox clutter? As a...

    In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success....

    In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, clinging to outdated practices can be detrimental to...

    As I reflect on a year in which I hit my goals and took more time for myself and my family, I...

    Spotlight on local businesses!

    by Melanie Tajaard on Wed, Nov 03, 2021 @ 20:11 PM

    It’s been an unstable year or so to say the least. One of the highlights has been working with so...

    Your website might be aesthetically pleasing, but is it performing well? Is it secure,...

    Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the number of apps and programs you need to use to do your job?

    I am delighted to announce I am now a Hubspot Certified Trainer. HubSpot Certified Trainers are...

    I have been a Hubspot user and Agency Partner since 2012. Over the years, I’ve helped dozens of...

    2020 has been an incredible challenging year to say the least. Not to minimize the personal and...