Posted by Melanie Taljaard ● Fri, Dec 14, 2012 @ 10:12 AM

Social Strategies that Engage you Social Media Fans

Have you heard the term MFCs before?  MFCs are extremely important to your business.  What about the term Raving Fans, perhaps you’ve read the book Raving Fans: A Revolutionary Approach to Customer Service: by Blanchard, Bowles, and Mackay.  The authors explain how to leverage the passion of your highly satisfied customers to attract other like mind customers.  Raving Fans was written long before the advent of Social Media, but we know the power of passionate customers is just as important today as it was pre-internet.    

MFCs are really your raving fans online.  The acronym stands for Most Frequent Contributor.  You may well be aware that in the social space most people are just listening and a very small percentage actually contribute to blogs, and social networks.  Statistically the research shows why about 90% of people are passively taking in content, never commenting, and about 10% are contributors with an even smaller percentage being regular contributors. 

This statistic is key -- often people start down the social media path and feel that the aren't seeing enough engagment, so they stop.  But keep in mind, even if people aren't commenting, your posts still have impact.  Use Facebook's Insight tool or other social media monitoring tools to evaluate the impact of your efforts.  You'll be able to see how many people 'see' and 'share' comments not just how many repond. 

But back to those who do comment and respond.  If you can identify your MFC’s in your social media presence you can further leverage the value of their willingness to contribute and share. 

  • If a fan on Facebook always comments or posts your comments – use this to your advantage.  Always thank those contributors/ commentators and acknowledge these important influencers.
  • Consider sending them samples or offers. Reward comments and contributors with positive feedback, special offers and other ways of saying thank you. 
  • Spend time studying these customers.  Who are these customers – what do they like, which comments do they respond to etc.?
  • Consider offering their online friends a special offer

When you look at your social media efforts are there people missing, customers who you know personally in store or in office and you don’t see on your Facebook Fanpage, or on your Twitter Followers.  Next time they are in, ask them why?  Are they not fans of social media, or have they just not looked you up in the social space?

social icons

As you look to grow your social presence consider how you can leverage the value of MFCs – remember birds of a feather tend to flock together.  Consider how you can connect with your MFCs friends and contacts.  If you’ve written social media goals, where do MFC's fit into your social strategy?  If you haven't written social media goals, this blog post is for you A guide to social meida goal writing. 

Do your social media efforts support well thought out social media goals?  It is tempting with social media to jump in and go without spending time developing a plan, strategy, and SMART goals to realize that plan.  Without clear goals it is too easy to spend ineffective time on social media.

Ready to write social media goals, but don’t know where to start, download this thought starter.

Download Now


Topics: social media marketing, social media tips, evaluating media efforts, evaluating marketing
