Posted by Melanie Taljaard ● Wed, Jan 02, 2013 @ 15:01 PM
Content is key… where to find blog and site content inspiration
Looking for inspiration in all the wrong places? If you’re a blogger, you likely know the value of blogging. HubSpot research indicates companies that blog generate 55% more visitors, 97% more inbound links, and 434% more indexed pages than companies that don’t blog.
Yet if you’re a blogger (or considering getting into blogging), you likely know that sometimes its isn’t so easy to come up with content.
I find it helpful to keep a list of future topics (Evernote is so helpful for this), I also tend to write several entries at once. The process of writing a blog entry almost always fuels future topics, and quite often one topic is best addressed with a series of shorter entries.
Last week I topped up my list of future ideas by addressing a group of entrepreneurs at our local business association. I spoke about Social Media MUSTS for entrepreneurs. I always leave time for questions at the end of a session – I love to know what people are wondering or where they get stuck. The questions provided a plethora of future blog ideas.
Each of the questions asked at this session will make a great blog entry. Chances are if one entrepreneur has a question, it has crossed the mind of others. Do you pay attention to the questions that are being asked by prospects and new clients?
On this occasion I only had 30 minutes to speak about social media – not a lot of time to cover such a vast topic. Attendees feedback showed that they were inspired, learned lots and were motivate to get more involved in social media. While the session was of value to participants, their questions were just as valuable to me. They wanted to know:
- Should we outsource our social media efforts or keep them in house?
- If you have a limited budget and resources and you can only focus on your website OR social media, which is more important?
- What is the difference between reach and influence?
I’ll answer these questions in upcoming blog posts, in the meantime; feel free to download a copy of the presentation Social Media MUSTS for entrepreneurs. Whether your just about to jump into social media or been at it for a while, this top ten list is full or resources and things to think about for social media campaign.
And if you have a social media question you’d like to answer here, please send it along.
Topics: social media marketing, social media tips, inbound marketing, blogging