Posted by Melanie Taljaard ● Thu, Jun 13, 2013 @ 21:06 PM
Online Marketing Self Evaluation
Did you know there is a powerful tool to evaluate your online marketing effectiveness? You can even use this tool to see how your competition is doing? Read on to learn more…
For some entrepreneurs, marketing is a necessary evil, for other’s it’s the fun part of the business that let’s the entrepreneur express their creative side. Either way, marketing is an essential and required business function. So we are all dedicating time and resources to marketing, but do you know how effective your marketing efforts are?
Do your clients love or loath your website? Are company newsletters landing in prospects inboxes with valuable and sought after info that is driving them to your site for more? I often hear from clients that they need more web traffic – and when we dig and analyze a bit (I love the analytical part of marketing) we find their site actually has decent traffic numbers. The company doesn’t have a web traffic issue they have a conversion issue, they fail to engage the existing visitors to the site.
An effective website does more than attract web visitors it engages them and helps you to convert your website visitors to sales. The website should be the dedicated sales team that never sleeps.
An effective web site attracts strangers, creates visitors (often repeat visitors), it turns those visitors to leads, then customers. In fact a great website doesn’t even stop there, it turns those customers into promoters and that takes you full circle, using promoters to help you to get more strangers to experience your site.
So let me guess, you think you could be doing a little better with your inbound marketing efforts? We all could be! Websites, blogs, social presence aren’t static, they can always be enhanced! Before you start enhancing, do you have a clear picture of how are you presently doing?
Did you know there is a powerful tool that will grade your website. It will tell you what you are doing well and which areas could use a little more attention.
Marketing grader is a tool created by Hubspot. Hubspot is the ultimate inbound marketing software tool. More in Store is Halifax’s first Hubspot partner, we help local businesses create powerful and engaging inbound marketing programs using Hubspot. Marketing grader is free to use (even if you aren’t on Hubspot) and it gives you valuable marketing analytics. You can even run your compettiors’ site through marketing grader to see how they are doing.
Ready to learn more about marketing grader?
Topics: evaluating marketing, inbound marketing, hubspot halifax, halifax marketing consultant