Posted by Melanie Taljaard ● Thu, Feb 06, 2014 @ 11:02 AM

Ten Tips to be a Better Spokesperson

Last month, I blogged about how to get your story in the Spotlight, using traditional public relations and social media. As a leader you likely have a pretty cool story to tell, but when was the last time you were featured in the news?

SpokespersonMy clients have amazing stories to tell, and valuable educational material to share. Positioning yourself as a thought leader or the go-to provider for a product or service may be easier than you think. This blog post,, made a strong case for generating free publicity. After all, media coverage is valued at 3 to 5 times the costs for traditional television advertisements. It occurred to me that many entrepreneurs are held back on generating publicity because they aren’t comfortable being in the spotlight. Sure they’d like the exposure, they just don’t want to be the ones on camera. Some are born to shine in the spotlight while others arrive after a lot of blood, sweat and tears.

If you’re one of the latter (and most of us are) your stomach likely does back-flips at the mere thought of a media interview. But with the proper coaching, preparation and practice, it doesn’t have to be that way.

Finding yourself at ease in front of the camera comes from knowing the process, being comfortable with your message, being coached and also practicing. You know your story and your business like nobody else. You find yourself sharing your story with passion and vigor in a social setting, with partners and suppliers. Isn’t time you shared your story, in this capacity, with a larger audience?

If uncertainty in working with the media has held you back from sharing your story, resolve in 2014 to equip yourself to generate the publicity you deserve and to prepare yourself to be your company’s ultimate spokesperson.

I have put together a Top 10 Tips to Be a Better Spokesperson. It will give you the tips you need be a confident spokesperson and maybe even enjoy a media interview. The tips extend beyond the interview itself. I’ll show you how to set up a media interview that gives you time to prepare, as well as give you the questions you need to ask the reporter to make sure your key message is delivered!

Ready to realize your publicity goals for 2014, download the Top 10 Tips to Be a Better Spokesperson now!

Click here to download

Topics: halifax marketing consultant, public relations, media relations
