Posted by Melanie D. Taljaard ● Wed, Sep 02, 2020 @ 22:09 PM

Inbound 2020 is just a few weeks away.

inbound logoI attended my first Inbound Marketing conference in 2013 and have only missed one since then. Over the years I have seen / heard some amazing speakers and conference sessions. Usually a few days at Inbound offers enough learning and inspiration to last me more than a year!

In light of the COVID-19. For the first time in a 9-year history, INBOUND will not host an in-person experience. Instead, Hubspot is offering a new immersive online experience that will take place over the course of two days: September 22 & 23, 2020. 

Hubspot promises that, INBOUND 2020 will go beyond simply broadcasting content sessions. INBOUND 2020 will be more than a singular, individual experience. INBOUND 2020 will bring attendees together no matter where they are physically with connection, energy, personality, and excitement.microphone

The pricing for Inbound is surprisingly affordable, with a free starter pass, and a Power House Pass at just $119. Check out the line-up of speakers.

See you there.
