Posted by Melanie Taljaard ● Fri, Jul 11, 2014 @ 13:07 PM
More Efficient Marketing Spending: Why You Need Effective Calls To Action On Your Website
Growing a business is not just about spending money, but about spending your money effectively. Everyone knows that businesses need to market their products or services, but blindly throwing dollars at marketing promotions does not always reap full benefits, and can in fact be a gigantic money sink for any business. When a company makes the move away from a simple marketing campaign and incorporates specific calls to action for their target audience, business owners start to see a better return on their marketing investment.
A Better Method Of Tracking
Business owners have to ask themselves a lot of questions, and in the area of marketing three are of particular importance: What was the ROI for the last three marketing campaigns? Which marketing strategy generated the most click throughs? What is the customer persona that can be used to tailor future campaigns to those customers most likely to do business with the company? If a business owner does not have the answer to any of these readily at hand, he or she may be wasting their marketing dollars. Calls to action create unique links that businesses can use to track all of the traffic that is created by a specific marketing campaign so the owner can analyze where their marketing dollars are best spent.
Taking Advantage Of A Customer’s Interest
Customers who take the time to read a company’s marketing materials, whether it be a blog post, an email or printed items, are already engaged with the company effective marketing then gives the customer a little push to make the sale. Marketing materials put customers in the right mindset to do business with a company, but if business owners put the onus on customers to take action on their own accord, they are expecting too much. Calls to action are a tool to guide those customers by asking them to do as little as possible to continue their engagement with the company. Rather than having to look for a url or type an address into the search bar, a call to action asks customers to do nothing more than click a link that the business has already provided.
A Subtle Way To Sell
Finally, a call to action gives business owners the opportunity to create subtle ways to sell their products and their company. Customers do not like to feel as though they are being given a hard sales pitch every time they go online, and calls to action let businesses work in a subtle sales pitch when the company has piqued their interest. This kind of call to action is most effective when it is used in conjunction with informational blog posts or web pages that speak indirectly about the company.
The company’s bottom line is affected by every dollar that is spent, so finding a way to spend those dollars more effectively is essential. Look for a marketing specialist that understands the importance of calls to action for your company, and watch the company’s profits climb. Ready to put calls to action to work for you? I have a free ebook on that too
How do call to actions work? Take for example one of my most popular ebooks, Creating an Effective Facebook Fanpage. You’ll read a blog on my site about Facebook marketing, perhaps this one Facebook not delivering like it used to? And that blog promotes the ebook. By downloading the ebook my prospects get to learn more what it would be like to work with me – you’ll read my thoughts and views on Facebook marketing and I’ll get the prospects email address (with permission of course) and then I can remarketing to you about Facebook training sessions or other product that may be of interest to you.
Ready to put Calls to Action to work for your website?
Topics: marketing roi, evaluating media efforts, inbound marketing, website marketing, online marketing, lead generation